These are accusations against the Shia by an Ignorant Muslim
How powerful can propaganda be in this age? Flooded by publication in so many language, the Shi'a, for so many years, continously uttered falsehood as truth. For those who are ignorant of the Shi'a Beliefs, as every Muslim's duty, Sipah-e-Sahaba-USA intend to enlighten our brothers and sisters especially the REVERT MUSLIMS trying to understand the difference between being a Muslim and being a Shi'a.
Shi'a Beliefs according to their own BOOKS
Belief of the Immamat. The standard of Immamat is higher than the Prophethood. ( Hayatul Qaloob Vol. 3 pg. 10)Angels bring WEHI to the Immamas:every Friday, they go to MIRAJ ( Asool-e-Kaafi pg. 135, 155)
Every year the BOOK reveals on the Immam of the Time of the night of the Qadr ( Comt. Asool-e- Kaafi Vol. 2 pg.229)
Their Immams got higher status, that can't be achieved by the Angels nor the Prophet. ( Khomeini . Hakoomatil Islamia pg.52)
Alteration in the Qur'an. A big part of the Qur'an is missing (Sani Comt. Asool-e-Kaafi Vol. 6 pg. 75)Like the Torah and the Bible, they claim that the Qur'an is also corrupted and there were changes made in it. (Fazal-ul-Katab pg.70 )
Shi'a beliefs of 17,000 ayats (verses) in Qur'an ( Asool-e-Kaafi pg 671) Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umer were never became true Muslims according to the Shi'a. ( Jal'l Ayuoon pg. 45 ) After the Prophet ( Sallalahu Alayhis Wasallam) passed away, all the Sahabas left Islam except for three. ( Qur'an Kaafi Vol. 3 pg. 115 )
Mutt'a ( temporary marriage) In the name of Mutt'a, Shi'a faith allows its followers to commit adultery. They allow man and woman to have sexual relations without having the NIKKAH. Mutt'a is a temporary Nikkah whereby you do not need witnesses. If the man and woman agreed, they can do Mutt'a. Mutt'a could be performed for ONE hour, ONE day, ONE month or whatever time limit was agreed upon by the two consenting parties. Mutt'a could be done with any women even professional prostitutes. (Froaiy Kaafi Vol.2 pg.189)Mutt'a is higher than SALAT, FASTING, and HAJJ. When after performing Mutt'a , man and woman take Ghussul ( bath) , Allah(swt) forgive their sins in the amount of the hair in their bodies those became wet during the Ghussal ( Minal Yahderul Faqih pg. 431)
TAQIYYAH (lying) is an act of IBADAH ( worship ) in SHI'ASM. One who hides the faith (Shi'a), will be disgraced by Allah(swt). (Asool-e-Kaafi pg. 485) Taqiyyah is wajib(mandatory) . One who does not do Taqiyyah has no iman (faith) (Asool-e-Kaafi pg484)
Who can say these above mentioned aquaid (beliefs) to be Islamic? This is nothing but KUFR... Do not be mislead ! To the Muslim Ummah , SIPAH-e-SAHABA-USA, Inc. ( guardians of the SAHABA) urge all Believing Muslims to participate in this GREAT JIHAD, that Shi'a are not MUSLIMS ...
A write up by K. Zafar of Sipahe Sahaba (U.S.A.) entitled 'Are Shia Muslims?' has found its place in the internet, loaded with the time worn objections and arguments against the Shia sect of Islam. These have been adequately and amply answered time and again by the Shia scholars, but the zeal of Sipahe Sahaba to create dissention and disunity among the Ummah of Islam remains unabated.
Two cardinal points have to be clarified before we proceed with answering the objections raised by the writer:
It must be borne in mind that according to Shia belief, every book authored by a human mortal can be subject to error, and, therefore, unlike the Sunni brothers, they do not consider their books of Ahadith as 'SAHIH' or fully authentic and sound. While the Sunni school has 6 books labelled as 'SIHAH', eg SAHIH OF BUKHARI and MUSLIM etc., the Shias believe that the only book which can be classified as pristine and unsullied is the Book of Allah, the Holy Qur'an.
The quotations given by K Zafar are wholly inadequate. She does not quote from Usool al Kafi by giving Chapter and Hadith numbers, and contents herself by giving page numbers. As there are various editions of Usool al Kafi and the other books quoted by her, it is indeed difficult to verify their accuracy.
K Zafar says:
(1) "Belief of the Imamat. The standard of Imamat is higher than the Prophethood".It is impossible to find anything objectionable in this belief, because it is based on the Holy Qur'an, see verse 124 of Sura Al Baqarah: "And when Ibrahim was tried by his Lord with certain Words, and he fulfilled them, He (Allah) said: Surely I will make you an Imam to the people,..."This verse clearly states that the elevation of status to Ibrahim, peace be upon him, came in the form of a WAHY (a revelation). This means that he was being promoted from Nubuwwah to Imamah.
(2) "Angels bring WEHI (sic) to the Imams: every Friday they go to MIRAJ(sic)".The writer may like to consider the following verses from the Holy Qur'an:"And your Lord sent WAHY to the bee to build its cells in hills...." (al Nahl, verse 68)"So We sent WAHY to the mother of Musa that suckle him...." (al Shua'raa, verse 7)"And we made them Imams, guiding men by Our command and We sent WAHY to them to do good deeds..." (al Anbiya', verse 73).
From the verses quoted above, it is evident that WAHY is used by the Holy Qur'an to mean inspirations, intuitive knowledge, apart from the WAHY in the form of a revelation to the Prophets. WAHY to Imams came as the inspirations as vouched by the Holy Qur'an. That is the meaning of revelation on the night of Qadr, coming to the righteous Imams.
(3,4) "Their Imams got higher status, that can't be achieved by the Angels nor the Prophet"
This objection is very surprising. For both Sunni and Shia schools agree that not only the Imams, but also an ordinary MU'MIN, following the Shariah of Islam can achieve higher status than the angels. Angels do not have emotions, passions and desires. Humans have to combat all the evils to achieve purity. Therefore, when he frees himself from base desires and obeys his Master, he has a higher place.
As for our Prophet, peace be upon him and his proginy, no Shia scholar has ever claimed a higher status for any Imam.
(5,6,7) These deal with quotations from Shia sources saying that the Holy Qur'an has had omissions or changes.
At the very outset, I made it clear that such reports are not accepted as sound. We, Shias, unlike our Sunni brothers do not accord the status of 'SAHIH' to any book other than the Holy Qur'an. Every report is subjected to a meticulous study, based on the laid down standards of RIJAAL and SANAD. Time and again we have reiterated that the Holy Qur'an as it exists is the WHOLE book, having no interpolations at all.
It might interest K Zafar and other partisans of Siph-e-Sahaba to consider the following reports from SAHIH books of Sunni school:
(i)"Reported from Caliph Umar(Rad.) who said from the pulpit: Surely Allah sent Muhammad, peace be upon him, with Truth, and sent down to him the Book, and among the things revealed therein was the verse of RAJM. We read it, understood it and assimilated it. (That is, the verse about stoning the adulterer: tr.) The Prophet stoned the adulterer and we did the same after his passing away. So, I fear that with the passage of time, someone may say that we do not find this verse in the Book of Allah, and thus go astray by not practising that which has been ordained. The mention of RAJM in the Book of Allah is truth for the one who commits adultery." (Al Bukhari,Vol4/120. The chapter of Rajmul HUbla min al Zina. Kitabul Hudood).
According to this report appearing from Al Bukhari, which is SAHIH according to SUNNI school, a verse from the Holy Qur'an is missing.
In the SAHIH of Ibn MAJAH, Ayesha, the wife of our Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, is reported as under:
"The verse of RAJM and about suckling a child at least 10 times, had indeed been revealed and they were written on a page which was under my bed, but when the Prophet died, while we were occupied with the tragedy, a domestic animal entered and ate the page up." (SUNAN ibn MAJAH: Hadith no 1944 and 2553).
Hadhrat Ayesha tells us of the irretrievable loss of a verse from the Holy Qur'an.
In spite of the above reports from their own sources, which they consider as 'SAHIH', K Zafar and her likes have the audacity of throwing stones while living in glass houses. We, the Shias, believe that these reports appearing in Al Bukhari and Ibn MAJAH are false, and neither SUNNI nor SHIA believe in any change having occured in the Holy Book.
(8,9). About the SAHABA being true Muslims.We Shia believe that Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar were MUSLIMS. And the SAHABA who survived the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, were MUSLIMS. The qualifying term "true" is judged by the actions of an individual.
10. K. Zafar's hue and cry against MUTA'H is very amusing. This practice of MUTA'H was ordained by the HOLY Quran is its verse:" And for the pleasure you derive from them, give them their dowers, as prescribed...... "(al Nisa, V 24)
In order to understand the verse from SUNNI sources, refer to Tafseer of al-Tabari elucidating the verse from a report by Habib b. Ali Thabit. Also see al Bayhaqi in his SUNAH 7/205, Sharah of SAHIH MUSLIM by al-Nawawi 9/179, al-Kasshaf by Zama Khshari 1/519, Tafseer of Ibn Katheer 1/474, and also al-Durr al Manthoor of Suyuti 2/140-141.
Now, in order to explain to K. Zafar what MUTA'H actually means in the FIQH of ISLAM, I quote herebelow from TAUDHIHUL MASAIL according to the Fatawa of Shia scholars, because she has levelled allegations against the Shias.
"Whether marriage is permanent or temporary, the formal formula must be pronounced; mere tacit approval and consent, or written agreement, is not sufficient. And the formula (Sigha) of the marriage contract is pronounced either by the man and the woman themselves, or by a person who is appointed by them as their representatives to recite it on their behalf.
"If a woman with whom temporary marriage is contracted, makes a condition that her husband will not have sexual intercourse with her, the marriage as well as the condition imposed by her will be valid, and the husband can then derive only other pleasures from her. However, if she agrees to sexual intercourse later, her husband can have sexual intercourse with her, and this rule applies to permanent marriage as well."A woman with whom temporary marriage is contracted, is not entitled to share the conjugal bed of husband, and does not inherit from him, and the husband, too, does not inherit from her. However, if one or both lay down a condition regarding inheriting each other, such a stipulation is a matter of Ishkal as far as its validity is concerned, but even then, precaution should be exercised by putting it into effect.
"If a wife of temporary marriage goes out of the house without the permission of her husband, and the right of the husband is in anyway violated, it is haram for her to leave. And if the right of her husband remains protected, it is recommended precaution that she should not leave the house without the permission.
"If a man contracted a temporary marriage with a woman, and the period of her Iddah has not ended yet, he is allowed to contract a permanent marriage with her or renew a contract for temporary marriage with her."
From those ramifications, it is easy to observe that MUTA'H is a contract, just like NIKAH in a permanent marriage, it has a formula to pronounce, and it has certain responsibilities. This was ordained to prevent MUSLIMS from committing adultery and fornication, and from demeaning the status of MUSLIM women. Today, this ordinance is even more pertinent and relevant.
In his MUSNAD, Imam Ahmed b. Hanbal reports from Abu Saeed al-KHUDARI, who said: "We contracted MUTA'H during the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in lieu of the cloth. (see MUSNAD of AHMAD 3/22).
In the SAHIH of MUSLIM, a report from ATA' appears who said: "JABIR b. Abdillah once came for Umrah, and we met him in his house. People gathered there asked him a few things, and then they mentioned MUTA'H. He said: "Yes, we contracted MUTA'H during the times of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and of Abu Bakr and Umar" (see SAHIH MUSLIM. KITAB AN-NIKAH, Hadith No. 1405, page 1023).
It was Umar b. Khattab, who later forbade MUTA'H, and opened the gate of vices for MUSLIMS. In his Tafsir al-Kabir, Imam Fakhr Al-Razi says: "Had it not been for Umar who forbade MUTA'H, no one would have indulged in fornication except the wretched one". (see Tafseer al-Kabir - 3/200 in the exegesis of the Ayah).
11. K. Zafar has totally misunderstood the meaning of Taqayyah. It is not lying. It is hiding ones faith in a situation which justifies it.The Holy Quran says:-"A believing Man, from among the people of Pharaoh who had concealed his faith said...." (al MO'MIN v. 28)
For the one who was concealing his faith, the verse says he was "RAJULUN MOMINUN". So, what is wrong if one has to conceal his faith if circumstances warrant? The early history of Islam is fraught with incidents when the early converts had to conceal their faith. The most glowing example is that of Ammar b. Yasir. And yet, when he came to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, ashamed of what he had done by way of simulation, the Prophet said: "Faith has covered Ammar from his heed to his toes".Inshallah, these explanations will allow Sipahe Sahaba to understand Shia beliefs dispassionately. Let the Ummah of Islam be saved from the unscrupulous hands, and from the enemies within and without.
Our final prayer is that "All Praise belong to the Lord of the worlds".
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thank brother!
omar origin is a donkey
also abo bakir & marwan is a snake.
the true islam begins from mohamad and passes through ali & fatima into their family hasan ,hussein,zein el aabideen,jaafar el sadik and mohamad el bakir and ali el ridaa to mohamad el jawad to hasan el askari and it ends by the imam who will end allthe injustice and cruelness,imam al mahdi.
end of the story stupid.
muta'h is not good...lets say that somebody got into muta'h...and the woman allows sex(off course cause we are human,we have feelings)and then afterwards they dont have interests with each other anymore,so they're not going to renew there that case i think that is immoral cause anyone can have muta'h if they want,meaning they can have 1 or more girls...thats ridiculous
you people should stop cursing some companions.
After observing the Shia during the the ashura in the eastern KSA. It remind me of the pasyon and the catholics during their so-called Semana Santa.Hurting themselves. Those shia in Philippines should joined the catholics during their observance. I wonder if they know what they were doing....
I wonder if the Shia has a brain damage because of the beating they have in their head every year...
shi'ites very stupid .... shi'a kafir!!
The word "shi'a" literally signifies party or more properly the term "shi'an ali" stands for partisan's of Ali ibn abi Talib.Shi'a basically or primarily a political party which should have nothing to do with ISLAM,or it's doctrines and practices .. The so-called shi'a did not exist in the days of Ali(may ALLAH be pleased with him).
Now,this is the real and fundamental difference between the people of the "Sunna" and "shi'ites.Undoutedly man cannot be called a muslim unless he should believe that the Qur-an is the only thing that the Messenger of Allah has conveyed to the muslim's in compliance with the command of Allah the Mighty , the Majestic ... To deny a Qur-an would mean nothing more than denying the Messenger himself .
this articles and blogs help me to study and learn more about shia islam.
it end up mu douts about the shia, it enlighten my mind from the bads critism i heard from my some muslim brothers here.
i hope inshaallah by the light and guidance of Allah i will be one of the followers of the ahlal bayt.
but by the mean time i will make more reaserch about the life our nabi, his ahlal bayt and our imams.
jazakallaku khayran.
peace be upon you.
We have jst to b a muslim. Let the variation serves as our weakness n continue to walk in the path of Allah in the way the Prophet Muhammad has thought us. Let respect one another. Let our differences b attributed to our individual accountability to Allah.
One of the most perplexing scenarios to non-Muslims and new Muslims alike is the
division they may see between Shiites and Sunni Muslims. Some tend to become
confused when they see that each group claims to be following the true Islam. To truly
understand this subject to the fullest, one must delve into the early history of Islam and
see under what circumstances this division actually began, a study far from possible for
most people. Another way, much more in the scope of the average person, is to analyze
which group is true to the teachings of Islam, a simple comparison may be done between
Sunni and Shiite beliefs and practices in relation to textual evidence, the Quran - the
revealed word of God, and the Sunnah - or teachings of Prophet Muhammad, may the
mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
Many times, people see this division to be a major one, while the fact remains that
Shiites only make up a mere 8 percent of the Muslim population, reaching even this figure
after taking hold of certain important political regions in history. Not a division, one can
confidently say that the Shiites are but one of the various splinter groups which left the
pure teachings of traditional Islam. Sunnis, on the other hand, are not a splinter group,
but merely name themselves as such to differentiate themselves from the Shiites and
other deviant sects.
The word "Sunni" itself comes from the term "Sunnah", explained earlier to be the
teachings of Prophet Muhammad, for they are strict in abiding by these teachings without
any introductions, interpolations, or omissions. The word Shiite (Shi'a in Arabic) means a
"party", "sect", "supporters" or a "group of like minded individuals". God says in the
Quran addressing His Prophet, Muhammad:
"Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects
(Shi'a), you have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only
with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do." (Quran
Although the specific groups called the Shiites is not what is directly intended in this
verse, it is inclusive of them.
When one studies a bit of history, they will see that the term Shiite was first used
amongst the Muslims in regards to a political issue over which the Muslims varied, 37
years after the death of the Prophet. Although the Shiites claim that their origin lies in
that scenario, the actual term Shiite being used to denote this specific sect actually
Shiites, Shiism, and Islam (part 2 of 2) 1 of 9
occurred much later in history. In either case, it is clear that the term was unheard of
during the time of the Prophet, and thus we can say that the Shiites were a group which
appeared after the death of the Prophet.
We will now take a brief look at Shiism from just one aspect, that of beliefs. From
these few examples, one will clearly see how different it truly is from the religion of Islam
brought by Prophet Muhammad.
There are various articles of faith in Islam, and from them branch other beliefs which
must be held by all who attribute themselves to Islam. They are as mentioned in the verse:
"...but piety is that one has firm belief in God, the Last Day, the
angels, the scriptures and the Prophets..." (Quran 2:177)
This is also mentioned in a statement of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him:
"Faith is that you believe in God, the angels, the scriptures, the Prophets, the Last Day..."
(Saheeh Muslim)
This short discourse will merely touch on some of these various aspects of faith, and
mention just some of the beliefs of the Shiites and how they differ from Islam.
Belief in God
The proper belief about God, or creed is the most important aspect of the religion of
Islam. During the first 13 years of Muhammad's Prophethood, he corrected people's
beliefs about God, warning them against calling to others besides God, whether angels,
prophets, saints, martyrs, trees, stones, stars, or idols. He clarified that only God alone,
the One who created them was to be worshipped. Very few legislations and acts of
worship were revealed for this period. The majority of the Quran itself calls to this belief.
God says in the Quran that calling to others besides Him is a sin worthy of eternal
damnation in Hellfire:
"Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah
has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode."
(Quran 5:72)
This is an uncompromising belief in Islam, and is the basis from which one enters the
fold of Islam. We find, however, that Shiites believe in the veneration of others besides
God. Homage is to be paid to great saints and martyrs, such as Ali, Hussein, Fatimah,
their Imams, and they are directly called out to in times of need. They believe that they
can answer their calls as well as intervene for them with God, a belief that according to
Islam is clear disbelief[2]. God says:
"Is not He (God) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls
Him, and Who removes the evil." (Quran 27:62)
Another important tenet which Shiism clearly violates is the concept that God Alone
administers the affairs of the universe, and it is He alone who knows the Unseen. Shiism
attributes these powers to their leaders, called Imams, and place them in a position
higher than the Prophets and angels. God says:
"Say: 'None in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except
Allah, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected." (Quran
"And among His Signs is that He shows you the lightning, by way of
fear and hope, and He sends down water (rain) from the sky, and
therewith revives the earth after its death. Verily, in that are indeed
signs for a people who understand." (Quran 30:24)
The Shiites give many of these attributes to their Imams. Some of them even attribute
lightning to be caused by them[3].In authoritative Shiite texts, its states:
"The Imams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will
happen in the future, and nothing is concealed from them." (Al-Kulaini, Al-Kaafi, p.260)
"The Imams have knowledge of all the revealed books, regardless of the languages in
which they were revealed" (Ibid, p.227)
"The Imams know when they will die, and they do not die except by their own choice"
(Ibid, p.258)
"All of the earth belongs to the Imams." (Ibid, p.407)
There are many aspects of faith in Shiism that oppose Islam and which render a
person out of its fold. Due to this reason, Muslims do not consider Shiism to represent
Islam, but rather believe it to contradict the very basics of Islamic teachings.
Belief in the Scriptures
God mentions in the Quran that He revealed Scriptures to the Prophets which they
taught and recited to their people. Some of these Prophets and Scriptures are mentioned
in the Quran:
Say, "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us
and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac,
Jacob, and to the tribes, and that which has been given to Moses and
Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their
Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we
have submitted (in Islam)." (Quran 2:136)
"It is He (God) Who has sent down the Book to you with truth,
confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Torah and
the Gospel." (Quran 3:3)
It was the Prophets who received revelation, and due to the fact that Muhammad, may
the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, was the last prophet, there will be no other
Scriptures revealed after the revelation of the Quran. The Shiites however, believe that
there was a scripture revealed after the Quran before the death of the Prophet, which
they call the 'Tablet of Fatimah'. They claim, that in it were the names of all those who
were to be their Imams in the future[6].
They invented these ideas due to the fact that they could not find any verses in the
Quran which they could use to defend their views. They did not cease at this, but also
went on to directly challenge the authenticity of the Quran by stating that its has not been
preserved[7], and that the Quran today is incomplete, and that the complete version is
with their 12th Imam who has been in hiding for the past 900 years in 'the cave'. They
believe that when he emerges he will bring forth the complete version[8]. This, as should
be clear to all, is in direct opposition to the teachings of Islam, as God clearly states that "Verily it is We Who have sent down the Reminder and surely, We
will guard it (from corruption)" (Quran 15:9)
The Shiites assert that the existing Quran must have been altered, since there is no
reference to any of their strayed beliefs in it. One of the first to explicitly state this view
was Mirza Hussein Muhammad Taqiy al-Noori al-Tabrasi (d. 1320 AH) in his book The
Final Verdict on the Distortion of the Book of the Lord of Lords[9].
The Shiites became so extreme in their beliefs, that they even attempted to insert
chapters about Ali, may God be pleased with him, in the Quran, since they could not find
any clear texts. One of them is what they called "The Chapter of Succession".
Belief in the Prophets
As mentioned earlier, Islam teaches that the Prophets were the best of humanity,
specifically chosen by God due to their excellent qualities specifically to preach the
message of God to humanity. God says in the Quran:
"Allah specially chooses Messengers from angels and from humans.
Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer." (Quran 22:75)
The Prophets were the best of humans, living examples to be emulated:
"We sent no messenger except to be obeyed, by Allah's
leave..."(Quran 4:64)
The Shiites, however believe that their Imams are better than the prophets[10], and
that some prophets were highly praised only due to their love of the Imams[11].
If one was to mention all the beliefs of the Shiites in which they have opposed the
Shiites, Shiism, and Islam (part 2 of 2) 7 of 9
teachings of Islam, it would definitely need many volumes to do so. It should be clear,
however, from this short discourse that the beliefs purported by Shiism has no basis in
any of the teachings of Islam, but rather that it is a conglomeration of foreign beliefs
evolved over a period of time, all of which revolve around extremist views concerning the
leadership of certain favored candidates, known as their Imams. A religion which teaches
the worship of God alone and living a life taught by God's prophets, a message preached
by all prophets, has for them become a life and existence solely based upon love of Ali and
affirming his and their Imam's claim to leadership, struggling to find ways to fit into
Islamic texts by addition, interpolation, or misrepresentation. Creation comes into being,
Prophets are sent and Scriptures are revealed, all for the purpose of succession of Ali and
the latter Imams[12], and even on the Day of Judgment, it will be their Imams, not God,
who will judge people[13].A religion based upon a claimed love of the family of Prophet Muhammad has lead
them to beliefs contradicting the very essence of the message brought by him, the
message of Islam.
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